Machine Learning

Companies differentiate themselves with both their products and their ability to collect data and glean insights. Machine learning powers AI capabilities like recommendation systems and predictions. From increasing user satisfaction with personalized content to reducing costs with automation, machine learning leverages data science and modern data processing to make predictions and emulate human decision-making. AE offers a unique blend of development expertise, domain knowledge, and quantitative savvy.

At AE, our mission is to improve human agency with every client, every line of code, and every machine learning model we assemble.

More applications from our M.L. Engineers

Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence

AI teaches computers to recognize patterns that challenge humans at scale (can you remember what was similar and different across 100 attributes of 1,000,000 things?). AE helps businesses sort through the multitudes of things (customers, images, SKUs, transactions, etc.) and extract the insights that lead to value!

Computer VisionComputer Vision

A picture is worth a thousand words, but at AE, we’d prefer to measure its value in dollars. Computer Vision allows not only the classification of cat memes but also patterns in data visualizations. What other pictures are alike? Are certain pictures preferable or profitable? We see what others don’t (or, you know, write code to do it for us).

Natural Language ProcessingNatural Language Processing

George Carlin said that “your words always give you away,” and although he might have been considering a particular “seven”, they’re still a treasure trove of insight. What do customers say about products? What sentiments are revealed by discussion? Is a person interested in buying X if they say Y? Let our algorithms read, report & add value!

Predictive AnalyticsPredictive Analytics

Which customers will increase their spending? Meeting the desires of tomorrow’s consumer (maximizing their agency) requires optimizing the supply chain today. Determining the lifetime value of any asset demands mathematics to peer forward in time. The view is hazy, but value lives in that fog.

Recommendation SystemsRecommendation Systems

Folks willing to read this dubiously witty passage also found other prose on our website compelling (yay!). One revealed preference can reveal others. At AE we get to know what our clients and customers want—and such insights reveal ROI.

Intelligent AutomationIntelligent Automation

Time is money. And nothing wastes more time than repetition (and repetition). Increasing human agency means freeing up time for you to do what you do best (thinking, innovating, and watching tv) and letting computers work the long hours (they don’t even get paid overtime or receive workman’s comp. Suckers.)!

Ready to build?

What we do

We help our clients solve fascinating problems (and solve interesting ones of our own!).

We built a custom API using GPT-4 Vision to parse the data Global Shop Solutions had been aggregating manually from invoices, vendor quotes and other documents. The API connects that data to the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software Global Shop Solutions provides for manufacturing enterprises. ERP users now retrieve the values extracted from the documents–including data like gross totals, date and vendor–automatically from the interface. Our custom AI model transcribes these documents with 95% accuracy, so team members now only have to review the values and save the documents, decreasing overhead cost by 90%.

In less than 10 weeks we developed and delivered a custom build, wrote detailed API documentation and collaborated closely with the GSS engineering team to ensure a smooth handover. AE Studio surpassed Global Shop Solutions expectations – delivering two weeks sooner than the original goal, and building a model that was 15% more accurate than expected.


We delivered a secure AI-powered chatbot platform to query the Jupiter Intelligence climate database with natural language. With this platform, Jupiter’s vast storehouse of data is now democratized. Both power users and non-power users have access to accurate, sourced, intuitive and insightful answers. 

As a global leader of actionable climate data, risk models, prediction and services, Jupiter Intelligence has 25,000 open-source data elements for every 90 square meters, across the planet–from Manhattan to Mongolia. AE Studios delivered a conversive way for Jupiter Intelligence’s global teams and clients to access and contextualize this data without needing to write raw queries.

The first challenge was to create a proof of concept (PoC) that proved out whether AI technology was mature enough to be able to handle the basic set of questions asked by the typical user. And make the platform’s responses consistent across multiple data sets.

With changes to AI technology evolving as the project progressed, we were able to use AI to generate SQL queries to access the correct data. And AE Studio’s team provided downloadable, domain-based context, graphs and tables. In seven weeks Jupiter had a stable product they could use to empower clients with access to their unique climate data.


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Dedicated Machine Learning Engineers

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Benefits of Working with our Machine Learning Engineers

AE Studio is a studio based in Los Angeles, CA.

  • Top quality Machine Learning Engineers
  • Robust services from R&D all the way through putting into production
  • Agile Process Development