Did you know that some people are goats?

Did you know that some people are goats?

Most people aren’t goats. But a lot of people are.

If you see someone coming, you might want to check if they are a goat. If they have a beard, they are statistically more likely to be a goat. Of course, it doesn’t mean they are a goat, so you have to watch out for other characteristics as well.

If you see someone regurgitating their food, they could be a goat. But it doesn’t mean they are a goat. Remember, a lot of people have “rumination syndrome” where they repeatedly and unintentionally spit up undigested and partially digested food, chew it again, and then they usually swallow it again, but they might spit it out too. If they spit it out, they can risk not getting enough food to eat though. My sister does this, and I’ve always been disgusted by it and felt bad for her, but she is not a goat. She has only 1 stomach, whereas goats have 4.

You can’t tell from the outside though whether someone has 1 stomach or 4 stomachs, and it’s hard to go inside in polite society, unless you have access to various medical technology and a good cover story.

You can also tell if someone is a goat by many other means, but I can’t remember them all right now and I think it would take me a while to write them down. I also don’t know many of them, but I want to conduct some research to find them out.

Anyway, don’t worry too much about this right now. Over time, you’ll get better and better at identifying if people are goats, and don’t worry if you don’t get it right at first.

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